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- Religion Comparison: The denominations, movements and groups within the Christian church. What's at the core of Christianity? The timeless message of Christ.
- Beginning of Christianity: The roots are far from squeaky clean. Narrow, exclusive and elitist? Check out the background of this wonderfully inclusive faith!
- Jesus Seminar: Concise critique of the presupposition that anything outside the realm of natural explanation can never be backed by historical evidence.
- Church History: Concise summary showing much is to be gleaned from the events between the time of the apostles and the present.
- What Do Mormons Believe?: Accurate but concise summary of the doctrinal differences in the beliefs of evangelical Christians and Mormons or Latter Day Saints.
- Unity School of Christianity: Discover the history and basic beliefs of this world religion. Is it truth or error? Is this a cult or not?
- Christian Scientist: The history, foundation and publications of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Mary Baker Eddy. Examine and challenge the metaphysical doctrines.
- Pope John Paul: Papal History 101. A biography of the current Pope of Roman Catholicism. A look at the doctrine of Papal Infallibility.
- Edgar Cayce: Who was the Sleeping Prophet? What was his psychic success record? What about the other so-called prophets and their legitimacy?
- Origin of Religion: The ancient foundations of religious belief: Polytheism, pantheism and monotheism. Hinduism, Buddhism. Confucianism. Taoism. Egyptian. Greek. Roman. Judaism. Christianity.
- Religious Pluralism: Evidence of relativism and compromise within the Christian church. A revealing interview of Christian leaders on Larry King Live.
- Freemasonry: The background and the basics. The lore, legends and conspiracies. A social fraternity or religious institution? The doctrinal beliefs.
- Religious Cults: The popular definitions. The Christian perspective. Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, Christian Science. Doctrinal differences. Variations of the Gospel. Why it matters.
- Out of Body Experience: Practices of those who desire knowledge or power in the spiritual realm. Is there danger in this experience?
- Catholic Priests: Facts related to the priesthood and the Roman Catholic Church. The recent scandal. A difficult and unfolding issue for everyone.
- Christian Faith: Discover the roots of Faith. It may not be based purely on evidence but it is definitely supported by evidence.
- Christian Church: Find out when and how it was formed; its origin, purpose and why and how to become a member.
- Crystal Healing: A form of “healing” that uses crystals or gemstones to deliver “spiritual” energy to the body. What’s it all about?
- Reincarnation: Why the Eastern philosophy of soul transmigration appeals to Western "religious" thinking. Why the life-cycle doctrine cannot coexist with Christianity.
- Life after Death: With September 11th and the Baby Boom generation reaching its 50’s death from catastrophe and old age are very personal.
- Faith Healing: The word-faith movement. Its roots and leaders. Quimby, Kenyon, Eddy, Hagin, Copeland, and Hinn creating God in their own image.
- Origin of Islam: What do Muslims believe? How did the Islamic religion begin? What is the Qur’an? Does it contain truth?
- New Age: A collection of metaphysical thought systems. Universal tolerance. Moral relativism. Evolutionary Godhood. Global Unity. Situational truth is no truth at all.
- Polycarp: A father of the Christian church. A combatant against Christian heresies. A martyr for the truth. A relevant testimony for today.
- History of Christianity: Examine the roots of a facts-based faith. Study the reliable history of Jesus Christ, the Messiah foretold in prophecy.
- Celestine Prophecy: A New Age guidebook to spiritual transformation.
- Buddha Statue: Ancient background. The Enlightened One. The Four Noble Truths. The Noble Eightfold Path. A belief system hungry for meaning and hope.
- Messianic Jew: Yeshua revealed as the Messiah. The power of prophecy in the Jewish scriptures. Wonderful testimonies and ministries from the Jewish community.
- Blessed Virgin Mary: The mother of Jesus Christ. The doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. A model for faith, not for worship.
- Transcendental Meditation: Hindu-based movement. New Age connection. The foundation, philosophy and diversity of Hinduism. End the cycle and find true hope.
- Roman Catholic Church: Like other denominations, members often trust in the religion. The Bible says to put our trust in a relationship with Christ.
- Jehovah Witness: Charles Taze Russell and the history of his theology. A review of basic Watchtower doctrine. The simple Christian response.
- Angels: They're everywhere in pop culture. Do they really exist? What is myth? What is truth? What power do they possess?
- The Virgin Mary: Did Mary remain a virgin after the birth of Jesus? A review of the interpretive differences within the church.
- Gnostic Gospels: What do these newly discovered texts really tell us? Are they reliable? Are they even useful?
- Christianity: Concise yet detailed review of the history of Christianity. What makes it different from other religions? Investigate the substantial evidence.